Monday, October 27, 2008


The article I choose was based on a man from the North end of Tacoma, known as the strong man. “Man killed by stepdad mentally ill, mom says.” This is the title of the article, but I don’t think that this is a good title. From just reading this it makes me think that the father was mentally challenged, and that this son died an innocent man. However this wasn’t the case at all. The man had a history of issues from thinking that he could do almost anything, including moving a truck 25 yards, to beating his own mother. This strong man changed his name numerous times, and had multiple personalities along with each name change. On Sunday, he went over to his mom’s house in North Tacoma, where he had a restraining order. He and his step dad started to get into it, and which led to fighting with his mom. The stepdad and son started to argue which led to the father stabbing the son. The way that the article was written seems a little confusing. At one point he is talking about how the mom says that it is the fathers fault, but then two sentences later the writer is saying that it was the son’s fault. I think that a mothers love will always be there but she knows that her son had problems. I don’t think that the father is going to get charged for anything because the son shouldn’t have been there. Also the son was unwanted in their house and he was hitting his mother. The father was only doing self defense for him and his wife. I think that the article could have been written a little better, because even the title was confusing.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 9

Encyclopedia- Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. "The Body in the Media."Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. 1st ed. 2007.
Book- Dittmar, Helga. Consumer culture, identity and well-being : the search for the "good life" and the "body perfect". 1st. New York: Psychology Press, 2008.
Journal- Grabe, Shelly . "The Role of the Media in Body Image Concerns Among Women: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental and Correlational Studies ." Meta Lab 3(2008): 460.
Flim, I could use any film where body image is a major issue.

Week 9

For my individual research paper I think I would want to write about the image of the body in the media. This would interest me because I don’t like how the media shows the body, and how everyone reacts to how their body should be. This topic would be a good choice because there is a lot to talk about. I can touch the points of how men and women form bad eating habits. It also can lead to problems of depression and can make people sad about their life. I think that this would be a good eye opener for not only me but if anyone else read the paper. This wouldn’t be good because I might have a hard time finding books that have to do with this topic. This is something that has caused a new issue in today’s society. This is causing teens and young adults to worry about their images in such was that they will do anything to make this image. There are some people who will make out their credit cards in order to achieve this certain look. Others will put their own bodies at risk, in ways such as throwing up, or not eating to be the ideal body type. I think that this is something that really needs to be discussed and I am hoping that others in the world are worrying about this issue too. I think that there is a lot in the news papers that are talking about this problem that comes up, but I don’t feel as through it has changed anything. However at the same time I don’t think that my paper is going to be able to shift mountains, I just want to do some research on it, to see the insides of the thinking that the magazines have.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 7 number 1 and 2

The website would be In the article, “Many accolades for Obama, but no mention of his experience” the writer has many opinions. He talks about how Obama is an unwise president. He does choose to back up his arguments with interesting debates. He talks about a letter that was written about Brack Obama and how he was many things but experienced wasn’t one of the options. He talks about making the right choice towards the end, but he can’t be the one to say what the right choice is. He doesn’t know how anything is going to turn out in years from now. I think that he is entitled to his opinions but he shouldn’t be able to tell people what the right and wrong vote would be. Everyone is allowed to decide to do what they want to do and he is influencing their choices.

Response week7

I think that it is sad that in today’s society kids have to grow up with what the media is putting them through. Many kids think that they are ugly and unworthy of love from others around them. In an article I read there was a 12 year old, writing in saying that she wasn’t pretty enough or good enough for her peers, and that she thinks that it is superficial. However she knows that this is something that everyone does, and the truth is that she will never be able to get away from a world like this. She is worried about being able to change what she looks like, not just her hair and makeup, but she worries about her eyes, hips, lips, and other parts of her body that her parents “gave her.”
The writer thinks that this little girl shouldn’t be so hard on herself. She does also know that there is no escaping what everyone in America has to deal with, how superficial others can be. She also tells the girl that it takes time to come into beauty, and that not everyone is beautiful right away. We all have our awkward stages, and that just makes us who we are when we grow up.
While this little girl is in one of the hardest times of her life, going through the awkward stages of making new friends, and starting to date boys, she needs to understand that everyone is dealing with the same issues. Although some of the girls may seem more put together, looks only take a person so far. Looks is a rising issue all over the world today. The ideal beautiful women are something that is almost unreal. The images you see in the magazines and on TV aren’t average people, these aren’t the same people you see walking down the street or seating next to you in class. This young teen just needs to realize that no one is perfect and she will come into herself eventually.