Monday, September 29, 2008

Paper 2

For paper two my group has decided to write about alcohol and teens. The idea of the paper is that the drinking age should be lowered, if there should even be one at all. The three main points of this paper is the argument that teens only do something like this to rebel. Another reason is that in Europe often times they don’t have as many issues with drinking and teens because it isn’t something that teens do to rebel, and they are accustomed to it because they grew up drinking. However the naysayer would be that there is research showing the drinking as a child or even a teen can cause physical damage to the individual. Each of us in the group are going to take one of these three topics and address it, and then bring the whole paper together. I would have to say that my only main concern would be that since there are three of us that we may restate some information because they all relate to the same topic.

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