Monday, September 29, 2008


In today’s society there is issues with eating out at restaurants, not just that American’s are becoming fat from it, but there is another issue. This issue is that people are become sick from unclean restaurants. In the article Dirty Restaurant’s: Sounding an Alarm, it shows how many issues there are with the sanitation issues, and why so many American’s become sick after eating out. There are many different cases, but one example was the ice machine ad mold growing in it. Another example was a subway was using a sink for the employees to wash their hands and to wash the lettuce without sanitizing in between. In this case one of the employee’s was sick leading to the others to become sick and the lettuce to become contaminated. Some of the other issues is that the cutting boards, and knifes that are used aren’t cleaned in between uses. This leading to one cook coming by and cutting chicken, wiping It off with a towel and putting it back. Then another cook comes along and cuts fresh lemons to go into water, leaving the bacteria from the chicken on there causing illnesses.
The author doesn’t seem to really have a voice in this article, but they constantly referred to Sarah Klein who seemed extremely upset about the situation as a whole. Klein is a staff attorney for the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). She feels as though the people have a right to know what kinds of restaurant that they are going into eat at. As of right now this information isn’t all that easy to access, but CSPI is trying to get the information out there for the public to see. This article is an eye opener for me, to be able to see how many restaurants aren’t taking the precautions to assure a safe eating environment. If things get to out of hand many of these restaurants will be shut down, leaving the workers out of a job. So that leads me to the question of why don’t they try to do something about the issue now, while they still have jobs.,8599,1831421,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics

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