Monday, September 22, 2008


Two years ago there was a man who was involved in a train accident, and he saved himself in my point of view. He was one of the workers on the train, and he had fallen off. With the train still moving he held on for as long as he could, which was about 20 seconds. By this time he could hold no longer. His lower half of his body was then ran over by the 20,000 pounds of weight that was on the train. While still conscious and loosing blood Dunncan called 911 himself. He told the operator that he what had happened. While still laying there he called his family and talked to his oldest son, who said he loved his father. The Doctor that was called in to operate didn’t think that there was any possible way that Dunncan was going to live, that it was a miracle. The authors view of this article is completely third party, and is amazed. It is amazing that this man lived. As with many people they wanted to know what was going on in this mans head while this was all happening. Dunncan choose not talk to the public at all about his accident until two years later. The article goes on to talk about how the mans house had to be completely redone so that it could be wheel chair friendly. It is amazing to everyone that this man survived, and his health insurance paid for everything in his house to be redone. He is now able to drive and get around, all while still playing football with his kids. He wants to eventually learn how to use prostatic limbs.
I find the whole prostatic limbs very interesting, and I would want to learn more about them in the future, and how this man feels about his life now.

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