Monday, November 24, 2008

Responce Week 13

This article which is titled as Suspect remains at large in Southcenter slaying, talks about the gun shooting that happened in the Southcenter Mall. The shooting happened on Saturday the same day as the Apple Cup. It isn’t thought to be as a random shooting, rather a gang related shooting. This was between two groups who were seen arguing when one man pulled out a gun and fired 6six to seven rounds. This is something that is very upsetting to people who are not only shopping but plan to go out shopping in the near future. They say that security should be more enhanced and that this is wrong that there is so many shootings happening. In the past two years there have been four shootings at this mall. There was one man who was in the Army and stated that he thinks this is extremely wrong that this is happening, he also stated that this reminds him of being back in Iraq. The author of this article is also upset about this because the man who was shooting is still out there. The author also talks about how there should be stronger security in and around the mall because this is something that isn’t safe for the community. They think that he got out with the crowds when they let people out. The fact that this is probably only going to continue in vengeance because the man who survived is now going to try and get back at the gun man for killing his friend, is sad. What is also bad is that this isn’t the only man out there with a gun, and that something like this could happen again. This is something that isn’t okay, and other people’s lives shouldn’t be put at risk while these kids try to solve such stupid debacles.

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