Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 10

Since I became a full time college student time management isn’t really an issue that I have faced. I feel as though I often times have too much time on my hands, which is what causes issues. In high school I had so many things going on in my life. My average day would start at 8 and end around 9 or 10. I had to balance school during the day, and then I would have cheer, work, homework, hang out with friends/ boyfriend, and then go to bed. I didn’t really have any time to do much at all. I was so involved in school that I was always there and if I wasn’t I would likely be found at work, which was like my home away from home. I think that high school really taught me how to deal with time management because it was something that just had to be done. One of the biggest issues that I find here is that I have to much time and not enough to do. One of the major reasons I want to go back home next year is to work. I feel like I have to much time on my hands which becomes a handicap for me. I have a tendency to put things off thinking that I can just do it later and then come to find I am running out of time. I end up just writing a paper the night before rather than just doing it in the first place, and getting it out of the way. I think that I am doing ok when it comes to school here and time management. I think that the only problem I have is that I have too much time and not enough to do.

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